Our Economy Soil Heating Cables are a great option for fall and winter growing. These insulated soil heating cables gently warm your growing medium for faster germination and better growth, allowing you to turn your cold frame into a “hot bed.”
Soil Heating Cable Installation Directions
- Install a 1” thick insulated foam panel on the ground. If it is faced with foil, it will provide better insulation, but should be separated from the heat cable by 1” of sand.
- Cut a piece of fiberglass window screen the same size as the base of the cold frame.
- Follow the layout instructions for the heat cable and hold in place with duct tape.
- Apply silicone or high quality caulk to spots to permanently hold the cable in position on the window screen.
- Let dry for 24 hours.
- Install screen and cable in the cold frame and cover with another inch of sand for growing in pots or flats, or add 6”-8” soil for direct planting.